It only costs an arm and a leg

8 04 2011

Something has been brewing in our household for a few months now, something I knew I should have done earlier, but thought it would heal on its own…

About 2-3 months ago, Molly, our sweet american bulldog, jumped out of the truck and landed the wrong way.  She limps sometimes, using caution on her left hind leg, but then will run and play like it’s nobody’s business.  Now, if you’ve read back posts in my blog, you know how much I love my furbabies.  Her limp has been on and off, and last week I told Joey I was going to go to the vet anyway.  She is due for shots next month and the combined cost of shots and whatever this is, would be too much (boy was I right).  Well, I put that off another week. 

This past Wednesday, I took the dogs to the park to walk and then to the doggie park, where Brax ran amuck but Molly just kind of sat there; I figured the walk wore her out.  Upon returning home, she layed around outside in the gorgeous weather all day.  Joey came home, we left for a bike ride, and when we came back, Brax was the only one to greet us at the door.  We found Molly where she was when we left the house before the ride, sitting on the carpet by the backdoor.  Upon attempting to rise, she would put only pressure on her two front legs, not using either of her back legs, and of course not being able to walk like that, she sat back down, gingerly.  My poor Molly!  This was it, we knew we could not wait any longer to take her. 

First thing in the morning, Joey called our vet as soon as they opened and got her in at 10am.  When we got there, she had so much adrenaline going through her she didn’t limp-(Doc I swear she was limping lol).  After examining her, she has a torn ligament in her right knee (the one that just started hurting her) and she could not feel anything in her left (the one she has been limping on for months).  Maybe the left has slightly healed?  Oh boy, I almost wanted to cry-and I would pay anything for my furbabies so that wasn’t why I was crying. 

Well listen to this…there have been new studies out comparing surgery to just a glucosamine therapy on dogs.  Long term (which is a good study if its long term), dogs that have had surgery versus dogs who have been on joint formula, have the same results.  Yeah for us-which is what we will try first (if it does not get better than you will hear about it).  So $250 dollars of pills later, we came home and let Molly rest.  And rest she did, in the same spot all day-the dog bed I made for the living room.  Not only did I BRING her food and water, she laid there ALL DAY.  Poor girl, but she is so strong, never once making a sound or ever wimpering.  Thats my girl!  So we will attempt this therapy as I also attempt to find a cheaper (not from the actual vet) version of these pills and dispense to BOTH dogs, to prevent any more damage in the future. 

Keep my Molly in your thoughts and thanks for listening!

A new interest? Need advice!

15 12 2010

After these past few weeks of weddings I have come to realize how much I enjoy doing hair and makeup.  So today I fired up the Vaio and searched the schools here in San Antonio.  I emailed 3:


University of Cosmetology arts and sciences

Paul Mitchell San Antonio

Paul Mitchell called me back today.  Their 11 month program consists of school Tuesday through Saturday from 930-5.  They spend 90% of the class on hair, the rest is one makeup, facials, and natural nails.  You’d have to do extra to specialize in those.  Cost: $18, 312, which includes all your supplies, books, and license.  Besides the cost of the school, my other worry is how will I have time to make money while I’m going to school.  I have a tour scheduled for Tuesday, and I’ll find out what time night school is to see if that would be better, or if I should do it at all? 

 I want to do hair, but eventually I’ll want to do more.  Just like what I went to school for now.  I want to do more, but the opportunity is  not there and I’m stuck doing things to get by.  I dont want that to be the case after paying for another education. 

Advice is appreciated.  Any success stories, monetary advice, etc is appreciated.  I guess I really want to hear from those in that career and what they think.

Vision 2010

23 09 2009

I worked on a financial plan for Joey and myself this morning in excel and I’m quite proud of myself.  I like to call it “Vision 2010”, our views on our finances for 2010 and where we want to be.  It’s divided into an income section, stating all our sources and how much.  Then it’s divided into an expense side, stating all the bills, what is owed, etc.  I will be documenting each month as the bills go down, savings, go up, and what extra we have to go onto other bills.  Reason being is we do not want to have to rent for a year now.  We’d like to save up to buy a house.  If we can sell our two trailers and two bikes, our bills will be mostly paid and within one to two months, we can be debt free.  That is very crazy to think, but it makes me excited.  Then we can save for a few more months, start looking for houses, and possibly get a new bike for Joey with the house, and a ring for me! 

I’m typing this not only to stay organized, but so we can present this to my mom and dad and show them our goals and what we are working towards, so they know that we are not just “living there” to live there.  We have set goals, dreams, and where we want to be.  Yes, its nice to live at home, but I am a grown up and even though they know I’m responsible, I want to show them more and how much they are appreciated.  They don’t see me going out to eat or spending it on random things all the time and I think that helps.  Yes, it sucks to stay home sometimes, but I think of that vision, and it’s not worth going to the saucer all the time ( sad, I know), or spending money on something I don’t really need. 

So I need that encouragement from you all to keep me going.  Vision 2010-doing it right this time!

another violation

18 05 2009

Our LOCKED trailer and LOCKED quads were stolen last night. 

I feel so violated again!  I know these will never be found and we did not get GAP on them 😦  Get ready for our insurance to go up again!  USAA loves me right now.  Filed the police report, insurance report, and report with our apartments (do not live in coves at newport, 24 hour security my ass).  So many things get stolen in AZ its ridiculous.  How can you have nice things anymore?  I’m trying to remind myself its only material and it does not matter that much, but it does right now.  I will still owe on something I do not even have, can not even enjoy!  And we just changed the oil too (laugh now but its the principle).  But Joey is livid, he’s about ready to get a gun too.  That is so close to even being in our apartment.  How did no one hear that?  This world can be sad and mean and I sometimes can’t wait until I get to someplace better, where no one steals, lies, cheats, etc.  I deserve more than what I have been getting in life lately.  I have family and friends that love me and I keep that in mind, its just rough sometimes.

Loads of luck coming my way!

12 02 2009

Lots of good news today:

1) I GOT MY CAR BACK!  Its pretty, but now I have to get it back into “Steph” shape. 

2) I got my plane ticket to go home to see my family and my sister graduate in may! I’ll be gone a whole week-woo hoo!

3) I got my state and Federal tax return (so did Joey) and we put a HUGE dent in our debt pay off plan! 

4) This ones little but, I got a new nail polish color-black vinyl-and its awesome (its the little things in life right?)

Life in the Fast Lane

8 02 2009

As of Friday evening, the master cleanse was finished, done, nada.  I was so hungry I could not do it anymore.  I had a strawberry/banana protein smoothie and loved it.  Then some chicken and veggies, and a natural pb on wheat.  My stomach did NOT hurt at all, I was full for the ENTIRE night (b/c I ate at 5pm, went to work at 6pm-plus I hadn’t eaten in 5 days), and my body is thanking me and returning back to normal.  I would say I accomplished a lot, and I’m proud of myself, and proud for stopping it.  With such a busy weekend (630am-3am work day saturday) , the energy was MUCH needed. 

I’ve been doing more and more research and also discussing cleansing pills and other detox diets with my dad, who is a pharmacist and knows about the chemical compounds and reactions of many of these “detox” plans.  Most of them just have a laxative and dieuretic effect and do not work in the long run.  Here is some info I think you should read on the dangers of the master cleanse and how you actually are causing your body to build up more toxins, not less. 

I’ve been thinking about probiotics.  They support healthy bacteria in the colon and are easy to take and follow.  Discussing this with my dad currently.  Its in a lot of yogurts, especially organic, Keifer milk, etc.  It even comes in powder forms you can add to smoothies and juices.  Here are also some natural ways to detox your body:

“I’ve discussed the dangers of the Master Cleanse and despite claims to the contrary the Master Cleanse will cause a build up of toxins. If you want to “detox” your body it’s really quite simple; eat more unprocessed fruits and veggies. The most potent detoxifying foods you can eat are cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, arugula, cabbage, bok choy, radish, etc. That peppery taste you find in these veggies are the good stuff, namely the organosulfur compounds that help rev up your liver. Other foods that also contain these beneficial compounds include oninons and garlic. These compounds help create the most important antioxidant in your body, glutathione. It is this super antioxidant that is responsible for the major liver de-toxification duties. So remember the best way to detox and cleanse is to eat more veggies and fruits. Save your bowels and use the cayenne pepper and lemon juice for your next recipe.”

That being said, I did a ton of shopping at Sprouts yesterday, the organic food stores everywhere here, and I feel really good.  Lots of whole grains, lean meats, lunch meats without nitrates or preservatives, probiotic yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, and natural foods such as chips with no added ingredients, natural soups, etc.  Some things might take more prep work, but its worth it and its worth the little extra money spending on it (hey, thats why I’m working more right?).  I will now be doing more “sprouts” shopping and less regular grocery store shopping.  Except for basics like milk, eggs, etc.  Drinking lots more natural teas and things that are good for me are high on the list as well.  I can’t wait to start this week off the natural way and get back to my routine.  I might even take a yoga class 😉

Feeling the energy on Day #5 of the MC

6 02 2009

I awoke this morning, day 5 of the master cleanse, with more energy than I’ve had lately, at least not since Day #1.  I went for a walk this morning and felt so good that I ran the whole way back.  I could have kept running, but I could tell that if I did, I was going to be farther away and hungry.  I think I’m going to try again on monday as see how far it takes me.  The lemonades are getting easier and easier to drink.  I actually look forward to them and enjoy them.  They are becoming sweeter and yummy.  Strange I know.  My body is functioning pretty well now and learning how to deal with all this. 

I forgot to tell you:  When I started on Monday, I was 116lbs, Wednesday, I was 113lbs.  Going to weigh myself this afternoon and see where I’m at now. 

You probably won’t be reading anything from me tomorrow.  I work tonight until 3am then I work Saturday from 8am until 3am sunday morning, I’ll most likely be sleeping when I can and recovering on sunday.  Sunday is day #7, which is supposed to be a hard day.  I dont know.  I’m going to pick some lemons for my drinks and then oranges and grapefruits for when I can eat again coming up.  Saves a little money in that department.  I love fresh fruit, especially the kind you pick yourself.  You know there are no chemicals in that. 

I’ve also decided that when I get my tax return, I am ordering the Jack LaLanne power juicer deluxe.  Joey and I are each picking one thing we want, and the rest goes towards bills.  Here is what I decided on:











After this cleanse and seeing what comes out of my body, I really want to get one to start juicing at least once a day.  I love juice and always have, but I dont buy it b/c they add so much sugar.  Even the lower sugar versions still have too much.  This way, I know exactly what I’m getting in my juice, I can get all my vitamins and minerals, and feel good.  I’ve always said its best to eat as close to the earth as possible, meaning as little processing as you can.  I might even start shopping at Sprouts just a little more.  I love that store, I might as well.  It might cost a little more, but thats why I’m working more too. 

Have a great weekend everyone!  Enjoy your food wisely and think twice before shoving it in!

Cleanse Day 4/Grand Canyon Prep!

5 02 2009

Here we are now, day 4 and feeling better.  Still tired though.  It seems no matter what time I drink the tea, it goes into EFFECT at the same time every day no matter what.  6:30am I have to get up, so I might as well drink my sea salt flush and then go back to bed, only today, I could not fall back asleep, but I see a nap in my future shortly.   I might up my lemonades to 8 instead of 7 if I am still hungry, no harm in that.  This weekend (friday and saturday) I’m sure my count will be b/w 8-10 with my hectic work schedule.  No caffeine at all either!  Saturday is going to suck! 

So about 6 weeks until the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim.  I’m really getting down to the wire as far as preparation goes.  I’m trying to save as much money as I can.  The night before the hike we are staying in a hotel and the night after we are as well.  So I’m paying half of the hotel costs, half of the gas, half the entrance fee, and any meals the day before the hike and after.  I’ve estimated those costs to be about $250 before supplies.  I’ve devised a list of things I think I will need:

Backpack (which I bought one last night at Walmart for $30, way better than $100+ at Dicks or REI.  I’m only using it once, why spend a ton.  It has frames, lots of straps to wrap around the front, a place to hold about 3 camelbacks, sleeping bags, food, etc.  AWESOME! 

Sleeping bag-I’m borrowing from a client (how often do I need one)

Sleeping mat-going to get a PT mat from the px and just toss it when I’m done

Walking poles (walmart has them $20)

1st aid kit/knife/whistle-we have at home

Jacket-I have a nice tri layer columbia one so its good for 3 types of weather and a hat

Contact lens solution/medications/MOTRIN-oh yeah lots of this

Bags for my trash, bug spray, facial cleansing wipes, baby wipes, deodorant, toilet paper, sunscreen, face lotion

Camera, extra clothes/socks/underwear

Food: Trail mix, beef jerky, protein/energy bars, dried fruit, some dried meals I can add water to and eat.  Maybe a dinty moore meal I can open and chow on.  Utensils. 

If anyone can think of ANYTHING else, please let me know.  I want to be prepared but not too weighed down, after all I’m hiking almost 20 miles/day.  Oh, and my cousin has our tent, we are going with two married couples who have done this before and they have the map and compass. 

I can’t wait!  This will be so exciting!

Job Placement! (Oh and the MC day 3)

4 02 2009

Good afternoon everyone!   I got a part time job waitressing at a bar I went to on Saturday night, was hoping to bartend but hopefully that will come up soon.  A little extra dough here does not hurt.  I train for a few hours tonight (*chuckles* train, like I dont know how to do that already).  If the job absolutely sucks, I’ll try somewhere else.  They want us to wear corsets, or “corset like” tops.  Folks, this is NOT a fancy bar AT ALL so I dont get why they want that, but we’ll see.  This weekend will be my first one, and I hope I dont have to stick it out too long before I can bartend, I hate waitressing. 

Did my sea salt this AM and went well, then I crashed for 2 more hours.  I was tired.  I tried to stay up later last night (which I did) b/c I’m going to be up later tonight, you know, trying to adjust my body to working late again.  Well, I still woke up early thanks to the tea and had to just get that over with and go back to bed.   I am having some slight effects with this cleanse.  My back aches a lot, it always has but I think the toxins are making it hurt as they release from my body.  At least I’m hoping so.  I think its also making me start my “monthly gift.”  I’ve been drinking about 3 cups of a day of this mint tea to make things different.  Yesterday I was STARVING!  I crave healthy food like apples and salads, which is a good thing at least.  Today I’ve had 2 lemonades so far (its 12:30pm) and I’m not that bad.  Drinking another at 2pm and another around 4pm, then 6pm.  That will be 5 at that point.  I’m taking 2 with me to the bar to drink while I’m working.  Should only be there a few hours so tonight will not be bad.  I really have to plan ahead for Friday and Saturday though.  Friday I work 6 to close (which I dont know when that is yet) so I’ll need to plan my day accordingly.  Thing that sucks is I train in the morning from 8-10, then I can take a SMALL nap b/c I have a Passion Party in Chandler with 30 people (yes, 30) at 2pm which means i need to leave my house by 12:30.  Should be home at 5 to get ready for work at 6 (to close, again, I’ll find that out).  AHHH!  Should make some mula this weekend!!  I just dont want to screw up this cleanse, which I dont think I will, but I’ll probably be drinking more than just 7 lemonades that I need on friday and saturday. 

Other than that, life is good.  Looking forward to possibly going to vegas again on March 4th when Joey’s best friend and wife go (we’ll meet them for 1-2 days).  March 19th is my Grand Canyon hike!  April my friend Liza might come visit me.  May I fly home for my sisters graduation!  Lots coming up to look forward to.  Still waiting to hear about an AM job, I’m all about working hard these last 8 months I’m here.  Debt free in 2009!

The Big MC-Day #2

3 02 2009

Let me start off by saying I dont feel as bad as some people I’ve read bout usually do.  Some people get tired, the tea gives them cramps, etc.  So far so good.  I said so far.  Day 2 and 3 are supposed to be the hardest. 

I ended up drinking 7 lemonades yesterday along with 10 cups of water or mint tea.  I find the lemonades make me thirsty so I drink a lot of excess water, also to quiet my hunger.  I find the tea refreshing and a nice change, especially the chocolate at night.  The salt water this morning was MUCH easier to drink.  I put it in a bottle and shook it today instead of stirring, think that makes a huge difference.  Just waiting now.  Getting my “business” done and then drinking my first lemonade and going for a walk today. 

Hunger is a huge issue for me.  I get hungry a lot, I can chug water and it will go away, but it comes back.  Not so much this morning, but yesterday was hard, and I kept smelling food and hearing about food and reading about it in emails, etc.  I hope today will be easier.  I’m thinking of the results and trying not to ruin this.  The hardest part was I made Joey a homemade (but healthy and low carb) chicken pot pie yesterday so he has dinners for a few nights that I dont have to cook (and he’s sick and its soup like).  It smelled SOOOO good!  no cooking today so we’ll see.  Keeping busy with housework, walking, and other adventures. 

On other notes, I came home yesterday and there were lillies on my counter!  Joey got me some and a card “just because”.  We played this little game Sunday and asked each other questions to answer about the other person.  Well, one happened to be favorite flowers so what do you know.  They are going to smell awesome! 

Also, I’m doing a little job hunting this week.  Shocked?  I  know.  I only have about 2 clients out of 9 that do mornings.  And its only 1-2 mornings a week.  Most of my training is in the evenings so why not just utilize that time and only offer those hours.  I’ve been relying on Joey’s extra money as backup for my bills.  I can’t do that to him anymore and we both get stressed.  We need to pay down some serious debt.  I’m always worried b/c I  never know when money will be coming in.  That is the hard part about being an Independent Trainer.  I dont think you realize how worried I always am.  I have no paycheck for sure to rely on for my car payment, rent, bills, etc.  It just depends on if people buy more sessions/renew or I get new clients, which is hard to do.  So I’m trying to find a place to bartend on weekends and maybe try starbucks or something for mornings.  I’m only in AZ for  8 more months so I should work my butt off to pay off bills and save cash so we can buy a house wherever we move to.  Its sad, stressful, and sometimes I just want to stay home and cry.  But I have friends, family, love and good health/education so we’ll go from there! 

I’M SO HUNGRY.  I dont crave bad food so I know I’m hungry.  I want apples and big salads!  They say you crave what you eat, well maybe I am.  And I’m a little tired, and  my muscles ache.  I hope this is the worst of it. 

I’ve been busy all day.  Applied at starbucks, coffee bean, its a grind, ulta, borders, sprouts, and I’m going to go by hurricane bay night club.  I really miss bartending and just want to make some good money like that and have a ton of fun at the same time.  We’ll see what happens.  3 more lemonades to go!